Italian innovation for environment-friendly water treatment
Primo Allegri established the firm in 1981. At that time water treatment matter and in general ecology and environmental safeguard were just at their beginning in Italy. There still was much to do as for legislation and available technologies in this field.
Starting form the analysis of the already existing water purification techniques, especially in German and American markets, he devoted himself to achieve an Italian product with the initial system qualities and advantages but without its flaws.

A long history of challenges and research
Some years later his sons joined the company, thus the activity has continued with growing enthusiasm and passion, always aimed at Customer satisfaction by means of products quality, proper relationship and mutual cooperation for the common goal: water quality.
Important collaboration with design studies and companies in the field has been consolidated over the years.
This has allowed to expand and improve the range of our products, which can be employed in the different stages of the whole water treatment process.
Unfortunately on the 12th of July 2012 Primo left us, but his spirit, principles and teachings are keeping on and will keep on inspiring the company’s activity.